Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Einstein Never Used Flash Cards

How Our Children Really Learn - and Why They Need to Play More and Memorize Less

From the Publisher: Children don't come with instruction manuals, but sometimes it seems like everyone has an opinion on how to make your child into a mini-Einstein. A winner of a Books for a Better Life award, this book sifts through years of developmental research to give you a clear message: learning really happens through playtime. As the authors explain how to make the best of your time with your child, they show you how to practice their own three "R's":

REFLECT: Stop and ask if a formal, structured activity is right for your child and whether you're reducing the time that she could spend learning through play.

RESIST: Just say no to stuffing your child with information and do so knowing that the research in this book backs you up.

RE-CENTER: Reassure yourself that you made the right choice, because growing up should be full of play, not work.

More than a book about parenting, this guide is a joyful celebration of childhood and the imaginative and nurturing play that should be so much a part of it.

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